Secret to become beautiful under the radar
Secret to become beautiful under the radar
Muscle reduction +
Botox is a substance made for medical use and driven from toxin
produced by the bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.
The main substance called Clostridium botulinum toxin A
prohibits secretion of neurotransmission substance which causes
muscle contraction at connective area between
the end of the motor nerve and muscle to instantly paralyze
muscle to shrink its volume, promoting slimming effect on facial line.
Also, it relieves expressive wrinkles on glabella, forehead,
and eyes by restraining muscle movement.
Procedural Sites

We recommend this.
- If you have a square jaw yet do not want surgery
- If your face appears to be wide with heavy cheeks
- If you are concerned with glabella wrinkles, causing you to look angry
- If you have aged appearance due to forehead wrinkles
- If you are concerned with wrinkles created around the eyes every time you smile
- If your chin appears as bumpy when you close your mouth
- If your chin seems to have excessive fat due to growth of your salivary gland under the chin