If patients with ptosis receive double eyelid surgery without ptosis correction due to concerns for cost and possible scars, thick eyelid lines or asymmetrical lines can be resulted after surgery. It may also reduce the eye size as well as result in no change that we strongly recommend ptosis correction along with double eyelid surgery when necessary.
Ptosis Correction
For more distinct and clear circle line
Ptosis Correction
For more distinct and clear circle line
Ptosis Correction is?
Ptosis correction enhances eyelid muscle to reveal distinct shape of the pupils when the eyes are opened. It improves not only the size of your eyes but also the shape of your eye brows, completing a harmonious appearance.

Degree of pupil exposure plays a critical role in creating beautiful eyes.
Who needs ptosis correction?
- Eyes which pupils are covered by the eyelids
- Eyes that seem sleepy and tired
- Indistinct appearance even with double eyelid crease
- Eyes that are difficult to open
- Eyelids are blocking the visual sight
- Lines are formed on forehead when opening the eyes
- Several creases are formed on eyelids when opening the eyes
General Double Eyelid Surgery vs Ptosis Correction + Double Eyelid Surgery